How are guide dogs funded?
Visually impaired or blind people receive their guide dogs free of charge. The payments for food and veterinary care are also covered. The costs are partially borne by the Swiss disability insurance system and – thanks to generous donations and legacies from private individuals – by our Foundation.
How do guide dogs know where their owner wants to go?
Guide dogs don’t know where the visually impaired or blind person wants to go. The guide dog owner communicates via vocal cues which direction the dog needs to follow. Therefore, guide dog owners need to have a good sense of direction and to keep a map of their route in mind.
Are guide dogs going to have free running time off the lead when staying with their visually impaired or blind owner?
We believe that a dog’s time off work – free running and spending time with other dogs – is one of its basic needs. Even before we assign a dog to our clients, we clarify where they can take their dogs for a walk every day and let them off the lead in a safe area.
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