In your will, you can largely decide for yourself what should be done with your estate. In addition to taking care of your family and the other people closest to you, you can also arrange for a share of your estate to go to an institution whose work you value.
Disposal of your estate and legacies/bequests
By leaving instructions on the disposal of your estate or on a legacy, you can provide long term support and sponsorship for our important work of helping people with disabilities and their well-trained and well-balanced dogs.
Within the framework of the freely-disposable portion of your estate, you can appoint the Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs for the Blind Allschwil as a joint heir, or even as the sole heir, if that is what you wish.
You can also choose to bequeath to the Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs for the Blind Allschwil a fixed amount, a percentage portion of your estate, or a particular non-cash asset.
The Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs for the Blind Allschwil is exempt from inheritance and gift tax in all Swiss cantons. Your donation can therefore be put to good use without worrying about deductions.
If you have any questions concerning wills, the disposal of your estate or legacies/inheritance, our trustee Ms Heidi Recher, will be happy to advise you personally, confidentially and without obligation: erbschaften@blindenhundeschule.ch