You can support us in various ways. You could buy promotional items from our shop, donate or even provide us with a legacy/inheritance, or you could raise a foster dog – we are extremely grateful to you for any support, no matter how small or big it is!
Donate directly online with MasterCard, Visa, Postcard, Postfinance or Twint.
Bank transfer
You can pay your donation into the following accounts:
In CHF: IBAN CH47 0900 0000 4000 1275 0 (Postkonto 40-1275-0)
In EUR: IBAN CH82 0900 0000 9125 1773 1
(SWIFT/BIC for both accounts: P O F I C H B E X X X)
Fattura stampabile
Thank you very much!
Thanks to your generous support, we have been able to provide our services since 1972.
Donations to Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs for the Blind Allschwil are tax deductible in all Swiss cantons.