How much does it cost to train a social support dog?
The training is free of charge for the school’s own dogs, since the Foundation covers the costs.
Since 1stJanuary 2016, the training for external dogs costs a one-off charge of CHF 1100. This includes documentation and follow-up support.
How old does the dog have be to be able to undergo the training?
The dog has to be at least two years old and no older than seven years old.
Where does the training take place?
A training course is run every year in Basel.
Regionally, training courses are held when enough participants are registered. The following are regular training course regions: Aargau, Bern, Zurich and Lucerne.
How long does the training take?
The training takes eight months and includes: an entrance exam lasting half a day; eight days of practical training, one day of theory and half a day for the final exam.
The course starts in February of each year and ends in October of the same year.
How many assignments should/can/may a social support dog carry out?
Usually, a social support dog team undertakes one to two assignments of about 30 to 60 minutes per week.
Who decides where somebody will carry out social support dog assignments?
The dog owners decide where and in what institution (schools, special needs schools, retirement homes, psychiatric hospitals, etc.) they want to work – but they can do this with support from us.
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